Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common mental health condition in children.
Caring for or working with a child or young person with ADHD can be very stressful, exhausting and challenging, especially without adequate knowledge, skills or supports in place. This is particularly true for regional areas like the Pilbara where there is a lack of adequate diagnostic support, education support and parental support, with no local delivery of ADHD specific training and support for caregivers, educators or others working with children and young people with ADHD.
To address this need, P4P is partnering with ADHDWA to bring some ADHD training to the Pilbara. ADHDWA will deliver half-day training sessions for caregivers, educators and others working with a child or young person with ADHD. These sessions will focus on the following:
- What is ADHD and how does it present in boys and girls?
- Tools that parents/carers can use to support their child/young person and themselves
- Tools of engagement that educators and service workers can use to support children/young people and create neuro-diverse environments.
If you care for, treat, teach or work with a child or young person with ADHD (diagnosed or undiagnosed) and would like to increase your knowledge and understanding of ADHD, then this training is for you.
Alongside the training, discussions will also be held around establishing local ADHD Parent Support Groups, around the Pilbara, which would come under the umbrella of ADHD WA. If you feel alone or overwhelmed and would like to connect with others in a safe space to share experiences, develop new skills and feel supported then you may benefit from a local support group.
If you would like to find out more or register your interest for the training, please email us at or call 0456382361. We are hoping to deliver the training in the first quarter of 2024. The locations of training will depend on the level of interest, so please register your interest today.