


Headspace Pilbara

Headspace Pilbara have Youth Wellbeing Workers based in Newman, Port Hedland and Karratha. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you have about your mental health, drug and alcohol issues, general health, sexual health and relationships. Headspace Pilbara is operated by Anglicare WA.

Hedland Well Women’s Centre

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The Well Women’s Centre was established to empower and support all women in Hedland and surrounding areas. We aim to change women’s lives positively through a range of health and wellbeing programs.

Hedland Women’s Refuge

Hedland Women's Refuge provides 24 hour crisis accommodation for women and children who are escaping domestic/family violence or are homeless due to a crisis.

Hope Community Services

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Our programs, services and interventions are delivered in collaboration with local providers to help individuals, families and communities break free from negative cycles and take the first steps towards being back in control of their lives. We deliver youth mentoring services in Karratha and youth justice services in South Hedland.

IBN Corporation

IBN Corporation
IBN is a charitable business operated for the advancement and prosperity of these communities. We provide programs and services to raise the personal, social and economic well-being of our members and deliver support and programs in health, education, housing, culture, enterprise development and employment. IBN has offices in South Hedland Karratha and Tom Price.

Karingal Neighbourhood Centre Inc

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The Karingal Neighbourhood Centre provides support for the local community including parenting support, early childhood centre, an Op Shop and Centrelink service.