Tuesday 6th February, 12pm to 1pm. FREE
To help organisations understand the ATO self-assessed not-for-profit register and the challenges presented by incorrect purposes/objects in your constitution, Pilbara for Purpose has organised an online information session with Cameron MacRae from Neighbourhood Houses Victoria and Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association.
As you may be aware, from the 2023-24 income year, non-charitable not-for-profits (NFP) with an active ABN need to lodge an annual return with the ATO to self-assess as eligible for income tax exemption. Any NFP registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and endorsed by the ATO as income tax exempt is not required to lodge an annual self-review return. However, the ACNC has been undertaking audits of NFP organisations to determine if their Charity/PBI status is still warranted or needs to be revoked.
This information session will provide some guidance around the requirements for achieving ACNC and PBI status before 30 June 2024, and how to tighten up your governing document (constitution) to ensure your Purpose and Objects comply with these requirements.